How Our Personal Ascension Process May Cause Migraines, Ringing in the Ears and Head Pressure
Human consciousness has been refining and, over the last 50 years, has been transcending the structure of physiology; so that we have become conscious of finer and finer states of being.
As we become aware at the molecular and atomic levels of our being, we start to experience the 'grains of awareness' or the quantum excitation at the finest level of our physical existence.
We experience this by hearing a ringing in our ears; and/or seeing the grains of the individual photons of light; and/or feeling the grains of magnetic energy flowing through our auric field.
This is a multi-dimensional experience, since we also experience our consciousness at grosser and finer levels simultaneously.
The secret of dealing with these experiences is through acceptance and understanding. We cannot fight our Self and win. The best way is to accept and understand the experience and the blessing which comes into our life through this increased awareness.
When we become aware of the field of consciousness - as opposed to the individual thoughts in our head - we experience greatly enhanced comprehension, expanded awareness and a feeling of bliss-consciousness - i.e. the graininess in the silence, as bubbles of consciousness become manifest in our awareness. Migraines may occur in a four-week cycle, where we experience them more when we come to full moon and they may become less frequent and severe as the emotional energy drops in the lead-up to the new moon.
We may become aware of our bodily functions, like the beating of our heart and the functioning of the other organs. Our whole body is a living organism with the electromagnetic field of consciousness permeating even the finest levels of our physical existence, continuing down to our light-body and soul, which underlie our physical structure and create the 'energetic blueprint' that the body grows into.
Please love and accept these new experiences when you become conscious of them. They are a gift and if you consciously breathe into them with acceptance you will transcend the pain they may cause and your physiology will be able to change to accept and use this new awareness.
We may feel pressures within the body as the energy centres - the chakras - become active and restructure the physiology to accommodate themselves. For example, as the Third Eye opens it may cause head pressure. If we are relaxed and accepting, this process happens so much easier.
We may notice our sleep patterns changing, with wakefulness at night as we start to witness our sleep. Our physiology may restructure itself when we are asleep, causing sweating and hot flushes.
If you witness these - if you relax and just watch - you will wake in the morning feeling refreshed just as though you had slept 'normally'. Therefore, be relaxed and observant, and realize that you are benefiting from your 'sleep' even when you feel 'awake'.
These changes may also affect your diet and weight; bloating and weight gain are frequently reported by persons moving rapidly on the ascension path. Having a large proportion of (raw and/or cooked) fresh vegetables and fruit in one's diet can help with this process; and sipping water every so often from a glass that you keep next to you can help maintain the body in a hydrated state and flush out any toxins.
You may also become sensitive to spiritual energy coming around you. These days 'orbs' are often captured on digital photos. As these orbs and other non-physical entities come close to us, we may sense their presence through goose bumps/goose pimples; or a feeling as if cobwebs were brushing against our skin; or a tingling in our feet, as we feel the connection to earth energy.
Please keep an open mind and when some symptoms are experienced, take time to be aware of them. Breathe into that region of the body and, especially, love yourself and your experience in a relaxed and accepting way.
This will help the experience to become integrated into your being. You can then move on to the next finer level of experience and integration, as you grow in wholeness and oneness both within and without on your ascension path of evolution and growth.
Article Source/About the Author: By George E. Lockett SSHA, IIHHT -- HealerGeorge(C) Copyright 2008 - Website:
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