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Ascension Or Transension

There is no denying the state of the world has become increasingly turbulent due to climate change, declining global economic conditions, and global militarization.

In the Spiritual Community, these extreme changes are attributed to a supernatural or celestial phenomenon called "The Paradigm Shift" or "The Shift".

Many prominent scientists say we are facing the sixth mass extinction of the planet. There are differing opinions as to why we have arrived at this precarious "tipping point".

Some popular accepted theories concerning the manifestation of The Shift include:

The radical changes we are experiencing is part of the Earth's natural cycle of change... The Shift is the result of humanity's abuse of the planet... We are facing a "Biblical Judgment Day" event.. The entire solar system is "heating up".. The presence of a rogue planet in our solar system called Nibiru...

All of these theories are possible (One or two of them are most likely probable). It's also possible that the manifestation of The Shift is a multi-factorial phenomenon and of multi-causal origin. There is another widely belief held by spiritualists, survivalists, and conspiracists significant to the advent of The Shift called The Matrix.

Some people say The Shift is meant to help humanity escape from "The Matrix". For this reason, it's possible that the unfolding of The Shift is a blessing in disguise.

The mysterious Matrix is typically described as a virtual or simulated holographic environment. Humans are said to be slaves of The Matrix. The Matrix is claimed (by proponents of The Matrix Theory) to be controlled by a sinister otherworldly forces (sentient artificial intelligence or an advanced alien species).

People in the Spiritual Community often refer to a prophetic event related to The Shift known as 'The Ascension".

Those who have undergone a "spiritual awakening" often conclude that our self-destructive path is a catalyst meant to assist humanity in ascending out of The Dark Matrix (human pain and suffering).

The Ascension is explained by those in spiritual circles as an alchemical process meant to assist humans in evolving to a higher level of existence. In other words, humanity is thought to be ascending out of 3D reality (physicality) to a higher dimensional state.

If we accept The Matrix theory, as a plausible explanation for The Shift, then perhaps we could consider a lesser known theory for escaping The Matrix. Maybe we should not be thinking in terms of "ascending out" of the Matrix. Ascending out of The Matrix could inadvertently bring us back into The Matrix.

Some scientists and researchers theorize we are caught in a Matrix time loop. This theory suggests that we are players or actors in a "movie". The apocalypse (The End Game) would then be the last chapter in this matrix movie. When the movie is over, we would go back to the very beginning of the movie reel and start over again with the origins of humanity on this planet. If this is true, then The Ascension is part of the storyline we are playing out.

Humans spend an inordinate amount of time looking for signs of intelligent life in "outer space". We point powerful telescopes towards the dark skies and send expensive spacecraft in search of alien life forms. Major religions also speak of the human spirit "rising up into Heaven" and other places of bliss in the afterlife.

What if we are wrong? What if we are casting our eyes in the wrong direction? Maybe we are looking in the wrong direction in terms of escaping the physical constraints of 3D reality.

Spiritual masters have an old saying: "In order to get out, you must go within". To most people, these esoteric words would only seem significant to mystics and seekers of higher knowledge. However, the practical meaning of these enigmatic words are of great importance to the entire human race.

There is a lesser known theory about breaking out of The Matrix. It's called "Transcension". Several online dictionaries define transcension as "The act of transcending, or surpassing, or the act of passing over something." Transcension is essentially the act of transcending The Matrix. One must learn to move beyond the "Illusion of Reality".

Ascension is different from transcension in the sense that the process of ascension allows one to rise to the higher levels within The Matrix. The process of transcension allows one to rise out of The Matrix altogether.

Those who teach the Art of Transcension instruct the student to go deeper within themselves in order to find their way out of The Matrix. Instead of trying to reach higher levels, we should want to delve into the deeper levels of the inner-self.

There are many spiritual practices that can be used to achieve this, including various forms of meditation.

The universe expands not only outwardly, but also inwardly. Physical realms (like this one) are less common than "non-physical" systems. It's possible that non-physical beings would need to utilize physical bodies and vehicles in order to interact with us on this plane. We are actually on the outside... looking out... in search of alien life forms, when we should be directing efforts on exploring "inner space".

There is a little known theory called the Transcension Hypothesis. This theory, postulated by John Smart of the Accelerating Studies Foundation, proposes that (spiritually or technologically) advanced civilizations did not expand into outer space. It's suggested that the reason we have not made full contact with other intelligent species is because they learned to make use of quantum physics to condense reality.

Even now, scientists are learning to make use of quantum technology in order to compress massive amounts of information onto minute cells. With the advent of sophisticated virtual reality technology, it stands to reason we could (eventually) use nano technology to create convincing simulated environments. In so doing, we could escape The Matrix by creating our own Matrix. We could theoretically open dimensional portals to create worlds within worlds and disappear within them. Perhaps we could discover a method of projecting our consciousness into a "simulated" reality of our own choosing.

Many philosophers and scientists understand that life is an experience that occurs entirely within our minds (personal reality), this idea becomes a real possibility. It's very easy to see that our physical bodies are basically sensory suits that serve as a vehicle and an interface with the external (outer) reality. Our five (known) senses, collect information from our external environment and transit stimuli to the brain, which is interpreted by the mind as our version of reality.

Do our beliefs reflect reality or create it?

When we fully comprehend that our conception of time and space is a limited belief imposed upon us by The Dark Matrix, we will be able to access and apply technologies available to beings who reside in non-physical states of reality. One of the primary principles we need to realize is that size is a subjective measurement. An entire universe can easily fit inside the smallest particle.

The Transcension Hypothesis is a fascinating concept that could lead the human race to an incredible "involution", as opposed to just another step in the "evolution" of our species.

Article Source/About the Author: David Love is a world traveler and international adventurer. He is a Rosicrucian, Spiritualist, career private investigator registered minister, pre-marital counselor, board certified hypnotist, advanced past-life regressionist therapist, and Reiki healer.
David's current focus is on empowering people to develop effective personal success strategies. He writes and speaks extensively on applying ancient mystical philosophy as a means for personal growth and development. http://www.universalsoullove.com

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